melomanias, etc.

domingo, outubro 07, 2007


"The world has always laughed at its own tragedies, that being the only way in which it has been able to bear them. (...) consequently, whatever the world has treated seriously belongs to the comedy side of things."

by Oscar Wilde in A Woman of no Importance

PS: I'm still engaged in learning how to live a Wilde life (like Morrissey never sung: "there's a [Wilde] man in my head").

So don't be surprised if you see me laughing off the news throughout the newspaper. One should only cry when watching a movie or a play, reading a book or listening to a song - anything that qualifies as fiction. Apart from that, romantic issues are the only plausible trigger for the shedding of tears. And even that is far too serious a motive. But novels have taught us it should be so.