To Adore (or)
I Adore the feel of soft summer rain on my nose.
I Adore after-the-storm rainbows.
I Adore the flowers, the birds and the bees and ambiguity.
I Adore Lego and puzzles and plasticine, and all related metaphors.
I Adore chocolate, ice cream and milk shakes that fatten your dreams.
I Adore ipod, macbook pro and everything Apple.
I Adore photos that sharpen, brighten and saturate reality.
I Adore euphemism, irony and sarcasm, don't I?
I Adore sweet kisses mixed with sour tears.
I Adore (some) people.
I Adore the 'I did it feeling' that never lasts more than 3 minutes.
I Adore expanding universes inside the human brain.
I Adore life in two acts: ideating & creating.
These are the things I Adore, but also the things I Lovve.
I Adore after-the-storm rainbows.
I Adore the flowers, the birds and the bees and ambiguity.
I Adore Lego and puzzles and plasticine, and all related metaphors.
I Adore chocolate, ice cream and milk shakes that fatten your dreams.
I Adore ipod, macbook pro and everything Apple.
I Adore photos that sharpen, brighten and saturate reality.
I Adore euphemism, irony and sarcasm, don't I?
I Adore sweet kisses mixed with sour tears.
I Adore (some) people.
I Adore the 'I did it feeling' that never lasts more than 3 minutes.
I Adore expanding universes inside the human brain.
I Adore life in two acts: ideating & creating.
These are the things I Adore, but also the things I Lovve.
"I Adore sweet kisses mixed with sour tears."
(há outras adorações, mas há que dar o devido destaque)
Menina Limão, @ 4:16 da manhã
E a devida adaptação, talvez... "acid tears"? ;)
Cátia Monteiro, @ 1:07 da tarde
pois. ;)
(se bem que isso só me faz pensar em chuva ácida)
Menina Limão, @ 2:28 da tarde
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