melomanias, etc.

sexta-feira, setembro 23, 2005

Destaques no Gay e Lésbico

Entre 15 e 21 deste mês a 9ª edição do Festival de Cinema Gay e Lésbico de Lisboa ocupou o cinema Quarteto e o Instituto Franco-Português. Os vencedores das várias categorias na primeira pessoa:

Menção Especial - Rosario Miranda, de David Baute Gutierrez:
"Rosario Miranda fue una mujer que luchó por los derechos que tiene toda persona a elegir libremente su sexualidad y esto en tiempos muy difíciles y en un entorno muy duro."

Melhor Documentário - Immortal Muse, de Sue Giovanni:
"If you have been inspired by the film please don't tell us, tell Annette. We live hundreds of miles from her and visit as often as we can but her only constant companion is her muse."

Melhor Curta-Metragam - Beginners!, de Nicholas Wackerbarth.
"I want to take the opportunity to express my admiration for the work of Gangway, Wurzel and VIP. These are different groups of social workers in Berlin, which try to get in contact with young people. They offer them a place to hang around and to communicate with each other. Unfortunately their work is not honoured very much in public, although they do such an important, self-scarifying job."

Melhor Longa-Metragem - L'Ennemi Naturel, de Pierre Erwan Guillaume:
"Mon film décrit le combat intérieur d'un jeune homme pour accepter un désir homosexuel qui va bouleverser sa vie. La tentation du refoulement, la tentation de l'autodestruction, et finalement l'acceptation de soi. Ce combat nous l'avons tous vécu, à des degrés divers, et partout dans le monde, il faut encore se barder de courage pour s'accepter tels que nous sommes, c'est pourquoi je suis particulièrement heureux que cette histoire ait touché un jury international."