Always so many questions
"How Do You Keep Love Alive?
Lord, I miss that girl
On the day we met the sun was shining down
Down on the valley
Riddled with horses running
Crushing them with flowers
I would have picked for her
On the day she was born
She runs through my veins like a long black river
And rattles my cage like a thunderstorm
Oh my soul
What does it mean?
What does it mean?
What does it mean to be so sad?
When someone you love
Someone you love is supposed to make you happy
What do you do
How do you keep love alive?
When it won't
What, what are the words
They use when they know it's over
"We need to talk," or
"I'm confused, maybe later you can come over"
I would've held your mother's hand
On the day you was born
She runs through my veins
Like a long black river and rattles my cage
Like a thunderstorm
Oh, my soul
What does it mean?
What does it mean?
What does it mean to be so sad?
When someone you love
Someone you love is supposed to make you happy
What do you do
How do you keep love alive?
When it won't
How do you keep love alive?"
by Ryan Adams
And always the same questions.
Lord, I miss that girl
On the day we met the sun was shining down
Down on the valley
Riddled with horses running
Crushing them with flowers
I would have picked for her
On the day she was born
She runs through my veins like a long black river
And rattles my cage like a thunderstorm
Oh my soul
What does it mean?
What does it mean?
What does it mean to be so sad?
When someone you love
Someone you love is supposed to make you happy
What do you do
How do you keep love alive?
When it won't
What, what are the words
They use when they know it's over
"We need to talk," or
"I'm confused, maybe later you can come over"
I would've held your mother's hand
On the day you was born
She runs through my veins
Like a long black river and rattles my cage
Like a thunderstorm
Oh, my soul
What does it mean?
What does it mean?
What does it mean to be so sad?
When someone you love
Someone you love is supposed to make you happy
What do you do
How do you keep love alive?
When it won't
How do you keep love alive?"
by Ryan Adams
And always the same questions.
Ai essa letra... como se adequa tão melhor a mim... gente q se apaixona e que nunca viu o lado inverso da moeda. A vida é bela! E viva a loucura...
Anónimo, @ 6:31 da tarde
that's right. the same old questions. that's the impossibility of a satisfying answer that makes it a good question. uncleared forever.
(este foi o meu momento Cátia. provavelmente com erros but what the hell)
Menina Limão, @ 10:19 da tarde
Eu sabia que havia uma razão para preferir o limão ao vinagre nos temperos. (introduzir metáfora em consonância)
PS: dê uma espremidela no post de cima, por favor, que estou curiosa em relação ao grau de acidez dos comentários sobre as músicas em questão ;)
Cátia Monteiro, @ 10:39 da tarde
lol :)
hummm. mas o tal filipe é teu amigo, não é? ias deixar de gostar de mim, não me apetece comprar uma guerra (salvo seja).
Menina Limão, @ 10:13 da tarde
sê justa, apenas.
PS: não lancei o post "aberto" para angariar elogios, mas antes para tentar obter opiniões sinceras sobre o trabalho que o artista em causa está a desenvolver.
PS2: e não são as discordâncias, por si só, que me fazem deixar de gostar das pessoas. Por vezes há até discórdias apaixonantes..
Cátia Monteiro, @ 11:28 da tarde
ok. voltarei aqui com tempo para apreciações, depois de ter voltado a ouvir.
Menina Limão, @ 2:10 da manhã
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