melomanias, etc.

quarta-feira, setembro 26, 2007

"We're [not] all made of stars"

Are you still trying to run away from your ghosts?

"But don’t forget the songs that made you cry,
And the songs that saved your life.
Yes, you’re older now. And you’re a clever swine.
But they were the only ones who ever stood by you”

quarta-feira, setembro 19, 2007

My wet friend

All the times my imagination seemed to block, the shower provided me with useful advice. Obsessive thoughts can't survive hot water.

segunda-feira, setembro 17, 2007

Copy > Paste #36

"Pergunto-me então o que vem a ser o tempo, e descubro que não passa do consolo que nos resta por não durarmos sempre. Miserável consolo, que só os Suíços enriquece..."

by Stig Dagerman in A Nossa Necessidade de Consolo é Impossível de Satisfazer

sábado, setembro 15, 2007

It's mine, all mine

My personal taste is like a smelly cheese: it doesn't smell like roses and it's not supposed to.

domingo, setembro 09, 2007

Oscar Wilde explains Men and Women - take II

"Gerald - But haven't women got a refining influence?
Lord Illingworth - Nothing refines but the intellect.
Gerald - Still, there are many different kinds of women, aren't there?
Lord Illingworth - Only two kinds in society: the plain and the coloured.
Gerald - But there are good women in society, aren't there?
Lord Illingworth - Far too many.
Gerald - But do you think that women shouldn't be good?
Lord Illingworth - One should never tell them so, they'd all become good at once. Women are a fascinatingly wilful sex. Every woman is a rebel, and usually in wild revolt against herself.
Gerald - You have never been married, Lord illingworth, have you?
Lord Illingworth - Men marry because they are tired; women because they are curious. They both get disappointed.
Gerald - But don't you think that one can be happy when one is married?
Lord Illingworth - Perfectly happy. But the happiness of a married man, my dear Gerald, depends on the people he has not married.
Gerald - But if one is in love?
Lord Illingworth - One should always be in love. That is the reason one should never marry.
Gerald - Love is a very wonderful thing, isn't it?
Lord Ilingworth - When one is in love, ne begins by deceiving oneself. And one ends by deceiving others. That is what the world calls a romance. But a really grande passion is comparatively rare nowadays. It is the privilege of people who have nothing to do."

by Oscar Wilde in A Woman Of No Importance

sexta-feira, setembro 07, 2007

Oscar Wilde explains Men and Women - take I

"Gerald - I suppose society is wonderfully delightful!
Lord Illingworth - To be in it is merely a bore. But to be out of it simply a tradegy. Society is a necessary thing. No man has any real success in this world unless he has got women to back him, and women rule society. If you have not got women on your side you are quite over. You might just as well be a barrister or a stockbroker, or a journalist at once.
Gerald - It is very difficult to understand women, is it not?
Lord Illingworth - You should never try to understand them. Women are pictures. Men are problems. If you want to know what a woman really means - which, by the way, is always a dangerous thing to do - look at her, don't listen to her.
Gerald - But women are awfully clever, aren't they?
Lord Illingworth - One should always tell them so. But, to the philosopher, my dear Gerald, women represent the triumph of mind over morals.
Gerald - How then can women have so much power as you say they have?
Lord Illingworth - The history of women is the history of the worst form of tyranny the world has ever known. The tyranny of the weak over the strong. It is the only tyranny that lasts."

by Oscar Wilde in A Woman Of No Importance

quarta-feira, setembro 05, 2007

100 % self-confident

He sings to a song on the radio, but the lyrics differ. He thinks to himself: damn - they got the wrong version playing again.

terça-feira, setembro 04, 2007

Quoting myself #24

Gostar de alguém não consiste apenas em exaltar os momentos de mimese entre si e o outro. Gostar de alguém é sobretudo saber manter transitável a ponte que o une ao outro nos momentos de divergência.

segunda-feira, setembro 03, 2007

Anónimos deste mundo II

Decidi adoptar para causa própria a defesa do fim do anonimato bloguístico. Num tempo de culto do self, directamente herdado da época em que Warhol garantiu que todos e cada um viriam a ter os seus 15 minutos de fama, parece-me contra-produtivo e ilógico deixarem a vossa marca entregue ao anonimato.

Anonymity is out of fashion.

E se o que promove esta assinatura ilógica - porque quem assina "anónimo" não assina de facto, mas assassina a sua personalidade literária, ou de gatafunho, conforme os casos - é o receio de ser exposto ao ridículo por uma potencial contra-argumentação... Não temam, anónimos deste mundo, pois "bad publicity is better than none". E se também mantiverem um blog (porque um blog só vive quando é mantido e não apenas tido) irão com certeza aumentar o vosso tráfego; e respectivos comentários, se valer a pena.

E para terminar a série de mandamentos desta sociedade que se quer mais mediatizada ainda - com o nosso nome em neon numa bóia sobre o rio e o nosso vídeo caseiro no prime time televisivo - deixem para o anonimato apenas os comentários insípidos. Meaning, aqueles que mesmo que fossem assinados com o nome de baptismo nem mereceriam segunda leitura, quanto mais uma resposta. Esses sim, são os únicos verdadeiros e autênticos anónimos deste mundo.

Anónimos deste mundo

Sejam originais. Ao ver todos assinarem o mesmo, calculo que já teremos ultrapassado a barreira do número de John Smiths em Inglaterra.

Se a escassez de originalidade não vos parece um problema ecológico grave, então fica o seguinte remate:

No one wants to be a no one.

domingo, setembro 02, 2007

Pessimismo oriental

"Um encontro não é mais do que o princípio de uma separação."

Provérbio japonês