melomanias, etc.

sexta-feira, julho 25, 2008

Bicho social ou bicha solitária?

A minha relação com a arte sempre fez com que eu levasse uma vida solitária. Pior: fez com que eu não me importasse de levar uma vida solitária.

sábado, julho 19, 2008

O relativismo do romance

If you tell a portuguese woman she's one in a million she'll feel flattered. But try saying the same to a chinese woman...

Planear leva tempo

Numa manhã desta semana desloquei-me ao centro de saúde da minha área de residência para marcar uma consulta. Porque "truth is stranger than fiction", opto por reproduzir o diálogo que se seguiu quando me atenderam:

- Bom dia, desejava marcar uma consulta para o meu médico de família... vai ser a primeira.
- Você está aqui - no ficheiro do computador - como "sem médico".
- Mas já me tinham telefonado a dizer que já me tinha sido atribuído um médico...
- Ah, sim. Mas ele entretanto foi embora.
- Bem, nesse caso, posso marcar uma consulta de planeamento familiar?
- Ahh, está tudo até Setembro. Agora só a partir de Agosto é que pode vir marcar, para depois de Setembro.
- Ahh, ok. Obrigada.

Escusado será dizer que deixei o centro de saúde a amaldiçoar mentalmente o país, e o governo, e a prometer emigrar para um país mais desenvolvido. A Somália, talvez. E claro, adepta imediata e incondicional do sistema privado. Capitalismo, ámen.

Ironia das ironias.. é que nos meses em que espero por uma consulta de planeamento familiar tinha tempo de engravidar e abortar umas duas ou três vezes - no sistema público de saúde. É bem feito para o povo do desenrasca e do remedianço, e para quem prevenir é coisa de menina.

quarta-feira, julho 16, 2008


"I don't exist
I don't exist
I don't exist
I don't exist
I don't exist
I don't exist
I don't exist
I don't exist"

KiN Mode ON

"Daniel Cowman

On the day that Daniel Cowman stopped existing
The world should have ended right then and there
At precisely four-fifteen when he stopped existing
The world should have ended
How could it go on?
How could it go on?
How could it go on?

Oh and I don't exist
I don't exist [repeats]

So now that we've got that straight
Doesn't mean that I can fly
Doesn't mean I that I can go do whatever I want.
Now that we've got that clear
And you know that I'm not here
Doesn't mean that I can go do whatever I please.

The premature ejaculation of his death
sentence hit Daniel in the face like a big round spitball hwk-pfffff.
And everything got hazy in the courtroom and then he stood up
And then he sat back down another two times in the row.
And everything got real slow like a gunshot in the movies
And he remembered heroin boy walking in through the door
Bouncing off the walls and the floor
Taking off his belt taking off his pants
Filling up the bathtub
Getting ready to go in for a swim.
Singing I don't exist
I don't exist [repeats]

And now that we've got that straight,
Doesn't mean that I can fly
Doesn't mean that I can go do whatever I want.
Now that we've got that clear
And you know that I'm not here
Doesn't mean that I can go do whatever I please.
And you start remembering and remembering and remembering
And remembering...

The heroin boy, he walked through the door,
And he was screaming
And I was like 'why's you screaming like it's the end of the world?'
And he was like 'well it is.'
And I was sitting in the corner with my pants down
And I was sure that someone next door was blowing up balloons
And it was red and orange.

And there was that swell lady at the bar just trying to buy gin
And there was this other lady at the bar and she was trying to sell gin
It worked out good for the both of them.

And heroin boy started taking off his belt,
Started taking off his pants,
Started taking off his shoes
Started filling up the bathtub
Getting ready to go in for a swim
I says "No-o.
You're going to drown.
He says 'No,
I can't drown.
Simply because...


A man destined to hang
Can never drown,
A man destined to hang
Can never drown,
A man destined to hang
Can never ever drown.

A man destined to drown
Can never burn,
A man destined to drown
Can never burn,
A man destined to drown
Can never ever burn.

A man destined to fry
Can never ever ever
A man destined to fry
Can never ever ever
A man destined to fry
Can never ever ever die...
In any other way but frying,
Lucky that I'm dying
By hanging and not drowning.

So now that we've got that straight
Can't I just be left alone?
I want to take a fuckin' bath"

by Regina Spektor

sexta-feira, julho 11, 2008

Gula existencial

Porque é se diz: "o gato comeu-te a língua", se nós é que comemos as línguas de gato?

quinta-feira, julho 10, 2008

Falhar o esterótipo

“A woman like a man”, dizes tu. Reconheço a letra e a melodia em ambos os sentidos literal e metafórico. Sou uma mulher atípica; mas ainda vou às compras. Por fases. Não tenho problemas em sentir-me feminina, excepto se tiver odor a fútil. E depois, como interpretar... “És uma mulher atípica” – elogio? A questão está em como é que uma mulher pode não ser como a maioria das mulheres e ainda assim ser como uma mulher. Como algumas mulheres das peças do Oscar Wilde são o Wilde em versão Oscarina – não ganharam a independência. E eu não me reconheço num género, mas também não pretendo ser apêndice do outro. Respiro fundo e lanço em tom de desafio (e num esforço de auto-convencimento pouco dissimulado): contra as lições da História e contra a predisposição da Genética, vou continuar a tentar ser quem me apetece e quem me vier a apetecer. Vai um chá gelado?

Diz o sadomasoquista:

A tua tortura é o meu prazer.

quinta-feira, julho 03, 2008

Trust the white coat

House is usually annoyed by patients who play doctor and go look up conditions in the Internet. If I had House for a doctor, I would be reassured.


"Pharmaceutical firms conveniently provide summaries of scientific studies of their featured products, which their representatives distribute in the form of advertisements and leaflets to physicians. As a recent investigation revealed, these are not neutral summaries. The assertions in 175 different leaflets distributed to German physicians could be verified in only 8 percent of the cases. In the remaining 92 percent of the cases, statements in the original study were falsely reported, severe side effects of medication were not revealed, the period during which medication could safely be taken was exaggerated, or - should doctors have wanted to check the original studies - the cited source was not provided or was impossible to find. As a consequence, many physicians have only a tenuous connection with the latest medical research."

in Gut Feelings by Gerd Gigerenzer

PS: In addition to the doctor supposed to know it all (but doesn't) issue, the method put into practice by the pharmaceutical firms reminds me of the path taken by many students when they pretend to read books in order to write their essays. But those don't harm anyone but themselves by preserving their ignorance, at least during their school years.

Well, maybe their teacher's sanity.

terça-feira, julho 01, 2008

Poisoned gift

Intelligence comes with paranoia.